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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kehilat Hadar affiliated with any Jewish denomination?

Kehilat Hadar is not affiliated with any of the movements (e.g. Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist, Reform), and members of our community come from a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We are fully egalitarian. Our services follow a traditional format and all of our services and programming are planned in accordance with halakhah (Jewish law).

What does it mean to be both halakhic and egalitarian?

Traditionally, halakhah (Jewish law) has been understood to exclude women from participating in certain aspects of public prayer. However, an examination of the classic Jewish sources for prayer reveals that there is ample support for equal participation by women and men in davening and leyning (Torah reading), and for counting women equally with men in a minyan. More information on this topic can be found here

Does Kehilat Hadar have a rabbi?

Kehilat Hadar currently has no full-time staff. Although many rabbis have taught at Hadar programs, and Rabbi Shai Held previously served as our resident scholar, there is no rabbi who leads Hadar. The Steering Team consult with our halachic advisor, Rabbi Ethan Tucker, a founder of both Kehilat Hadar and Mechon Hadar, when determining ritual policy.

As Kehilat Hadar becomes the primary Jewish community for an increasing number of people, we recognize the importance of being able to speak with a rabbi within the Kehilat Hadar community. Several volunteers, including rabbis and senior rabbinical students, have offered to speak with members of the community regarding religious, spiritual, pastoral, or other issues. If you are interested in speaking with someone, please contact Hadar's Lifecycle Team.

Does Kehilat Hadar have a kashrut policy?

Yes, you can find it here.

How can I let people in the Kehilat Hadar community know about other programming?

We are happy to add links to programs of interest to our weekly email. To submit a posting, email maddy@kehilathadar.org.

How can I start a minyan like Kehilat Hadar where I live?

In 2006, some of the founders of Kehilat Hadar launched Hadar Institute, which aims to help create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities. For more information about how to start an independent minyan like Kehilat Hadar, and how Hadar Institute can provide support, please visit their Independent Minyanim site. For more information about the relationship between Kehilat Hadar and Hadar Institute, click here.

What is happening between Kehilat Hadar and Shaare Zedek?

Kehilat Hadar is currently engaged in Joint Operations with Shaare Zedek, and in ongoing discussions regarding a phased integration of our communities, with the hope that, if everything goes well, both communities would move into a new, wholly-owned space on West 93rd Street when construction is complete. Read more about the background of this relationship.

Mon, January 13 2025 13 Tevet 5785