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Support Kehilat Hadar and Shaare Zedek
Our future depends on your critical support
Kehilat Hadar and Shaare Zedek rely on your contributions to maintain its financial stability. All of the money you donate will be used for our services and programs in the new building, including building operating expenses, salaries, and security. Your donation directly impacts our ability to continue providing high-quality davening and programming year-round.
What will it take?
Our annual goal is to raise $250,000* during our 2025/5785 fundraising drive across Kehilat Hadar and Shaare Zedek.
*Our annual Shavuot Retreat is not included in our operating budget, as we structure the retreat to pay for itself through registration fees.
I. Requested annual contribution
This year, we ask that community members who regularly attend KHSZ services and programs voluntarily donate according to a fair share contributions model, based on 1% to 2% gross household income (i.e before tax). You will not be asked to disclose your household income or submit any financial documents. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated, and all donations are fully tax-deductible.
Fair contributions schedule
II. Voting membership minimums
As in previous years, we continue to have a minimum donation to qualify for voting membership:
Please indicate your interest in voting membership by selecting the appropriate field below. Note: You may also quality for voting membership through volunteering.
How to contribute
- You can make a one-time donation on this form via bank transfers, credit card, or check. You can also set up a recurring payment on a monthly basis. Consider the following: $45 per month for 12 months amounts to a $540 annual contribution!
- For membership and for our services and programs, we are committed to ensuring that no one is excluded due to financial hardship. Please email if cost is a barrier to your participation.
We deeply appreciate your generosity!